Monday, November 12, 2007

Awkward Moment Insurance Tip #1 - Facebook Birthday Alerts

As someone with a talent for getting into awkward and embarrassing situations, I'm always on the look out for tips and tricks for avoiding, escaping, and preventing these occurrences.

Here's a good one I came across the other day: automated 'birthday alerts' using Facebook.

Forgetting someone's birthday can make for quite an awkward situation, particularly when:

1) the person always remembers your birthday,
2) the person usually gives you a thoughtful birthday present on your birthday,
3) everyone else has remembered the person's birthday and you're the only one in the room without a present, or
4) you share the same birthday with the person.

I've had the experience of being on the embarrassing end of a situation where all four of those conditions pertained. It was INCREDIBLY AWKWARD!

So I was very pleased to find this Facebook app (a third party plug-in of sorts) that monitors the birthday information on your Facebook friends' profiles and then emails you a reminder either on the day, or a week or month in advance (you can configure it in the settings panel).

See, Facebook isn't a complete waste of time.


Lee said...

I use Address Book & iCal. It works as long as I (a) remember to put the info into Address Book and (b) remember to check iCal. That four part discord on the birthday was a shocker!

Anonymous said...

Then the really embarrassing part comes when some of your friends enter a fake birthday for privacy reasons on facebook, and then you wish them a happy birthday when facebook tells you, and it isn't really their birthday. :)

Mark said...

Yes, that's a good point Bryce. I do often wish people a happy birthday on the wrong day. It's a tad embarrassing. Although, probably not as bad as totally forgetting.