Sunday, March 30, 2008

I'd like a LADIES PhD, for I am a LADY!

I've just gotten back from a three day workshop in Geelong for new PhD students. It was...interesting.

One session was on presentation skills. An expert on presentations gave a talk on what makes for a good PowerPoint slide, how to use body language, how loud to speak etc. It was very polished. However, it fell apart when she went to use me for a hypothetical example of a 'seated presentation'.

"For example," she starts, "if this lady here who uses a wheelchair were to make a presentation..."

I'm horrified and stunned. Did she just call me a lady?

"...I'm sorry...umm...gentleman?" she tries. A long awkward silence ensues as she stares at me questioningly.

"Hi" I eventually let out in as low a tone as I can muster, unsure of what else to say.

"Yes! Gentleman...ughh...well, the point is that presentations can be made while sitting as well!"

She continued the talk and avoided further eye contact.

What I find interesting is that there was one important presenting tip she failed to mention: while a dimly lit room may help the audience to see the PowerPoint projection, it makes it difficult to see the audience!

As for me, I'm planning on growing a beard.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Milk and cookies

So I'm really sorry that i've not posted much recently. I've got a few ideas in the works, so just hang on a bit.

In the mean time I'm leaving these here milk and cookies out in case there's any stalkers out there who are feeling peckish.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Friday, March 7, 2008

Facebook turns nasty

Facebook has developed a mean streak it seems.

This morning I get an unsolicited email from a Facebook app I did not sign up for telling me the following:

In total, you were reviewed for dating 15 times and no people expressed interest in you.
You are more desirable than less than 20% of 23,328,555 people.

Last week you were viewed 5 times and no people expressed interested in you
Way to kick a nerd when he's down, Facebook. Not only do you tell me my love life sucks, you also give me norm referenced stats to prove it. It's the web 2.0 version of a school yard wedgie.